
The Day After September 11

In Pray, Religion on September 12, 2010 at 12:49 pm

Yesterday wasn’t as though I could forget. 9 years after the events surrounding the terrorism attacks on the United States, I was deluged with politician’s statements, event invitations and memorial speeches on AM radio. But I also wasn’t feeling particularly deep about the date, as it happened nearly a decade ago.

I had to drive around our state yesterday, on business and family matters, and didn’t have any significant plans to commemorate the ugly anniversary. In fact, I made it a point to NOT watch the towers fall again on TV, nor listen to the speeches that countless others were making.

Other than in hopes the day would go less painful for those who lost loved ones, I didn’t really wish to be involved.

And then, as I was driving the second leg of my long trip, near Chicago, I saw something I noticed early in the morning on the other side of the state. I had brushed it off to the morning blur. And then I saw it again, and again, and again over the next 12 hours in all weather in every county.

Men were holding flags on overpass bridges on the highways.


I saw firemen, policemen, military men, and individuals who stood at the center post, holding solitary flags.

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I saw lines and small groups of people, spaced in prominence..at a solemn stance with the flag in their arms.


No speeches, no music, no promises, just a stance with a symbol that reminded me how lucky I was to be able to choose my path.

So, the day AFTER September 11, my mind is emblazoned with the images from individuals who made a choice to silently remind us of why we can go on with our day and do our business and be with those we love.

The day AFTER September 11, I prayed.

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